Dec 19, 2013 3:45:35 GMT
▸ DARKNESS - the entire world has been swallowed in it. Arceus has been the victim of a vicious nightmare from which it cannot awake, and these dreams have plunged the world into darkness. It's up to the Trainers of the world to reach deep within themselves and tap into their inner Pokemon in order to find the Light Shards to awaken Arceus and save the world from falling into shadow.
Fallen To Shadow is a literate Pokemorph roleplay set in its own separate "region" of the Romantic Isles. We are an animanga, 150 word count site that accepts all levels of roleplayers from beginners to advanced writers. Our birthday is the 13th of November, 2013, and we intend to have many more to come! announcements.
▸ WHAT a busy week it's been! However, I'm hoping to do some general maintenance around the boards, so don't panic too much, okay? Let's see what's happened since our last announcement.
Our winter holiday event is about to end soon, so be sure to investigate the details can still be found here with the exchange located here. The sprigs will disappear shortly after the first of next month, so try to use them before then. We've also announced the official policy for advertising and referring members, so be sure to check that out here when you get a chance. The first activity check has ended, bringing with it some new changes, so be sure to investigate the details here! Thank you for sticking with us this long, and happy roleplaying! - Kuroya census.
▸ PLOT originally by Kuroya with heavy influences from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Characters belong to their respective owners, as do original images, which can be found on zerochan. Theme and sidebar codes by Aquarius of Gangnam Style. Mini-profile template created by Kuroya with some help from the support board. All plugin codes from the proboards library, while the extra coding goodies come from Smangii. Pokemon is property of Nintendo. If you have created some part of this site and are not credited, please alert a staff member immediately so that they can add you to the credits. No part of this site can be used or reproduced without written permission from the respective owner or owners. |